The Committee of the CICA London regret to inform you that all events have now been put on hold until further notice. These are trying times indeed for one and all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We look forward to the time we can all meet again. Until that time, please stay safe!
It’s a difficult time for everyone and we must therefore work together and follow the Government guidelines in an attempt to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. Remember to follow the guidelines and we can get through this:

As a result of the current situation in relation to the Covid-19 virus, it is with regret that all our recent activities from early March have been postponed in compliance with the Government instructions for the benefit of Safety & Health and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This applies also to our Council Meetings and we will endeavour through our Social Media and email outlets to keep in contact with our colleagues.
Please observe with care the NHS (U.K) & HSE (Ireland) instructions to remain Safe & Healthy.

Regular Updates and advice also available on Facebook “CICA LONDON”. Please show care and consideration for our friends and colleagues who find themselves confined owing to Social Isolation. A simple phone call, a letter, an email or practical assistance in accordance with the Guidelines will make a big difference and will be welcome. Our sincere gratitude to all of those providing Essential Services at this time and we are truly appreciative of their time & dedication.Updates on future activities will be communicated as the situation changes. Stay Safe, Keep Healthy & Active and Take Care.